Double Clicking a Node will enter Multi-Transitioning mode.

Single Click to connect and continue.

Double Click to connect and transfer to destination.

Click elsewhere to stop.

Ctrl + Double Click states for the original double click behaviour instead.

This can be flipped in Setting Up Controller Editor


Added Make Multiple Transitions to context menu.

Makes transitions from the previously selected Nodes (Step 1) directed to the selected Nodes afterwards (Step 2).

Step 1: Select Nodes to make a transition FROM. Turn on Make Multiple Transitions

Step 2: Select Nodes to make a transition TO. Turn off Make Multiple Transitions or press Enter

Press Esc to cancel.


Added Select Out/In/Shared Transitions to context menu where appropriate.

Selects ingoing (in), outgoing (out), or shared transitions.

Shared Transitions: Transitions that have their Source and Destination currently selected.


Added ability to make a Fake Transition

Ctrl + Shift + Double Click on a node to create a transition from ANY node to ANY other node including itself.

These transitions aren’t functional and will not be saved.
