Added ability to Select All States with Ctrl + A.

Added ability to Select All Transitions with Ctrl + Shift + A.

StateMachine Select All.gif

Added Select All Transitions and Select All States to StateMachine context menu.

StateMachine Select Context.gif

Added Make Multiple Transitions to StateMachine context menu.

Makes transitions from the previously selected Nodes (Step 1) directed to the selected Nodes afterwards (Step 2).

Step 1: Select Nodes to make a transition FROM. Turn on Make Multiple Transitions

Step 2: Select Nodes to make a transition TO. Turn off Make Multiple Transitions or press Enter

Press Esc to cancel.

StateMachine Multiple Transitions.gif

Added Unpack StateMachine to StateMachine context menu.

StateMachine Unpack Machine.gif

Improved Copy/Paste/Duplicate Renaming.

Before: New State 1 → New State 1 0

After: New State 1 → New State 2

StateMachine Dupe Renaming.gif

Clicking the Controller Path at the bottom of the graph will highlight the Controller in the assets.

Ping Controller.gif